Welcome Address
Dear Colleagues,
The European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Austrian Society for Clinical Pathology and Molecular Pathology (ÖGPath) invite you to the 37th European Congress of Pathology (ECP). The conference will take place in the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), in the heart of Vienna, from 6 – 10 September 2025.
The ECP has grown to become the world’s largest congress in Pathology with a dynamic scope, attracting over 5,000 colleagues from all over the world. For these few days in September, pathologists, clinicians, molecular biologists, geneticists, bioinformaticians, IT experts, as well as our industry partners will gather for ECP 2025 and make Vienna the world capital of Pathology.
Vienna is home to a prestigious scientific tradition in Pathology, encompassing giants like Carl von Rokitansky and Hans Popper and continues to be at the forefront of Pathology research and education. The congress in Vienna will show its commitment to this legacy by presenting an innovative and attractive programme that showcases the cutting edges of pathology.
Our motto for the ECP 2025 – “ECP Vienna – Tradition Meets Future” – acknowledges the significant improvement Pathology research has brought and continues to bring to diagnostics and clinical practice. Modern pathology is the foundation for many targeted therapies that have dramatically changed how we treat cancer and chronic diseases today. The excellent programme prepared by the ESP working groups, ESP-affiliated societies, education and trainee subcommittees, and other collaborating societies aims to reflect on and contribute to this extremely dynamic development of the field of pathology.
An attractive and dedicated programme of keynote lectures, slide seminars, interactive sessions, special symposia as well as multiple oral and poster presentations, from internationally renowned experts and leaders in their fields, will provide an ideal opportunity for professional development, networking, and sharing ideas. Additionally, sessions organised by and for trainee pathologists, encompassing important and cutting-edge advancements in pathology practise, will be integral to our programme and will show the commitment of the ESP to shape the Pathology and Pathologists of the future.
Vienna offers rich cultural heritage through its numerous museums: among them the pathologo-anatomical collection in the Narrenturm and the Medical History Museum Vienna Josephinum. The city’s historical buildings, beautiful gardens and parks, strong literary, theatrical and musical traditions, will also provide opportunities for culture activities.
We are very much looking forward to hosting and meeting you in Vienna!
President of the European Society of Pathology
Peter Schirmacher

Chair of the Local Organising Committee of ECP 2025
Renate Kain