Browse the Preliminary Programme of the 37th ECP now!


Congress Registration & General Enquiries

On-Site Attendance

For both virtual and hybrid participation, you can register online using this link.
You can also register at the counter of the ACV entrance hall during the opening hours. However, we recommend to register online in advance to avoid long waiting times.

The preliminary opening hours of the registration counter are as follows: 

  • Saturday, 6 Sept 2025: 16:00 – 20:00
  • Sunday, 7 Sept 2025: 07:00 – 18:00
  • Monday, 8 Sept 2025: 07:00 – 18:00
  • Tuesday, 9 Sept 2025: 08:00 – 18:00
  • Wednesday, 10 Sept 2025: 08:00 – 17:30

For the respective prices, please refer to the registration link provided here.

If you need to cancel your registration, please notify the Registration Office at A full refund (minus an administrative charge of EUR 100,00) will be given for cancellations received by 31 May 2025. After 31 May 2025, no refunds will be granted.

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students

  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Admission to Networking Reception
  • Admission to poster exhibition (on-site and online) and technical exhibition
  • Coffee breaks and lunches from Sunday to Wednesday
  • Congress material (delegate bag, final programme etc.)
  • Access to all scientific sessions on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)

Additional Symposia (Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium / Computational Symposium / Technician Symposium)

  • Admission to all sessions of the respective symposium
  • Admission to poster exhibition (on-site and online) and technical exhibition on the day of the symposium
  • Access to all symposium-related on-demand content (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)

Please send a respective e-mail to the Registration Office at and they will change your registration accordingly. A respective re-booking fee will apply. Kindly note, the on-site-registration includes a virtual registration as well.

Yes, all scientific sessions will be available on demand until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members.

You will not be able to participate and/or access the congress. So please make sure to check whether your registration is fully paid before your participation. Please check whether you have received a payment confirmation via e-mail. If not, please get in touch with the Registration Office at

You can request an invitation letter during the registration process. Detailed information regarding entry regulations for your home country may be accessed via the following link: 

We recommend to arrange for a visa well ahead of time. Kindly note that invitation letters may only be sent out, once the registration fee has been settled.

Technical Queries

To log in:

  1. Enter your ESP membership email address and password.
  2. If your password is not recognized, click the “Forgot Password” link and follow the steps to reset it:
    Reset Password Here

If you still cannot log in after resetting your password, it might be because your account has not been activated on our new membership platform, GlueUp.

To activate your account:

  1. Go to GlueUp Login and attempt to log in.
  2. Follow the instructions to activate your account. A pop-up message will appear with further instructions for activation.
  3. You will receive an activation email—make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.

Once activated:

  • Log in to GlueUp and update your membership details to ensure your profile is up to date.
  • After logging in, return to the congress website to log in and register as an ESP member.

If you are not a member, you can still register to attend the ECP as a non-member.

To register as a non-member:

  1. Create a congress account here: Create Congress Account.
  2. After creating your account, you will receive an activation email. Don’t forget to click the verification button in the email to activate your account.
  3. Once your account is verified, log in and proceed with your registration as a non-member.

This likely means that you already have an account with us, perhaps from registering for a previous ESP educational event.

To resolve this:

  1. Log in using your existing congress account details here: Login for Non-Members.
  2. In case you do not remember your password, please reset it by clicking on the “Forgotten Password” link below the login form. 

Once logged in, you can complete your registration for the ECP as a non-member.

Virtual Attendance

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students

  • Access to all scientific sessions (including Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium (MD), Computational Symposium (CP) and Technician Symposium (TEC)) during live congress hours
  • Access to all scientific sessions on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Additional Symposia (Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium / Computational Symposium / Technician Symposium)

  • Access to all sessions of the respective symposium during live congress hours
  • Access to all symposium-related on demand content (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Yes, you can, however, only with the ESP member/non-member rate, as resident status cannot be checked. Please note that only credit card payment will be accepted at that stage.

Congress Portal

The handouts are available in the congress portal via the Online Programme. Look for the session you are interested in, click the small arrow up/down icon in the top right corner of the session to open the session details and select the “Handout” button close to the respective talk to download.

All uploaded posters and E-Posters will be available at the E-Poster-Terminals and can be accessed via the congress portal. (Add link, once available)

Congress App

The app is designed to enhance your experience by providing easy access to event schedules, speaker information, session details and materials. The app will help you stay organised and informed throughout all the days of the congress.

Yes, the app is available for download in the App Store for iOS users and Google Play Store for Android users.

Yes, the app is free of charge for registered delegates. Once your registration has been paid, you can enjoy the perks of the app.

No, registrations are only available via registration page (link) or on-site.

No, please refer to CME Accreditation

Invited Speakers

After confirming your availability, all invited chairs and speakers will receive a separate registration link and e-mail requesting to activate their account and pay online (if applicable). If you did not receive that e-mail, please notify the ESP Team at

Speakers will be informed via e-mail on how to upload their slides prior to the congress. If you wish to change your slides post submission, you can do so up until the submission deadline via the link provided to you. If you are not able to upload your slides online prior to the congress, there will be a Speakers’ Preview Room at the venue, where you will be able to do so – please ensure to upload your updated slides at least 2 hours before the session start.

All presentations are planned to be delivered in person and exclusively on-site in Vienna.

Should this be a problem for you, please contact the WG chairs responsible for your session.

Abstracts / Bursaries

Yes, attending the congress on-site and presenting your abstract is a prerequisite for publication.

Abstract notifications will be sent out in the beginning of June 2025. (In case you have not receive your notification, please contact the ESP Team at

Yes, you can edit your abstract text up until the abstract submission deadline (2 April 2025). 

Abstracts / Bursaries

Yes, attending the congress on-site and presenting your abstract is a prerequisite for publication.

Abstract notifications will be sent out in the beginning of June 2025. (In case you have not receive your notification, please contact the ESP Team at

All authors of oral presentations will receive detailed information about their respective time slot as well as guidelines for preparation of their presentation via e-mail. Please note that the PPT presentation should be concise, no longer than 10 minutes.

Authors whose abstracts will be selected for a poster presentation need to prepare a physical poster to be presented on-site in Vienna. In addition, they will be invited to provide a digital version of their poster to be included in the digital poster area. Invitations including guidelines for the preparation and the upload will be e-mailed to authors.

Authors whose abstracts will be selected for an E-Poster need to prepare a PPTX file of their poster. E-Posters will be available throughout the congress at dedicated E-Poster terminals in Hall X4. In addition, E-Posters may be accessed via the virtual Poster Area. Notifications to authors whose abstracts will be selected for an E-Poster will be sent via e-mail.

The poster format is PORTRAIT STYLE. Detailed information is available here.

Yes, you can edit your abstract text up until the abstract submission deadline (2 April 2025). In case you need to edit your abstract title, please notify the ESP Team at

CME Accreditation

An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.

More information will be made available in due time.

CME Accreditation

An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.

More information will be made available in due time.

Yes, after the approval of the UEMS EACCME for CME accreditation, 30 CME credits will be granted for virtual participation (please note that no accreditation will be provided for on-demand viewing). More detailed information is available here.

In order to receive a certificate of attendance/CME certificate you are kindly asked to evaluate the congress. 

For on-site attendance           

You can claim your credits online after the congress. A respective link will be made available on the congress website starting 11 September 2025.

For virtual attendance         

CME credits for virtual participation can be claimed via a dedicated link on the congress website.

Exhibition/Industry Sponsored Symposia

Yes, all industry sponsored symposia can be attended by paid delegates. Please note that depending on whether a respective company has booked the “live stream” and/or “on-demand” options, some industry sponsored symposia may not be available.

Sponsors are offered the option to have their symposia streamed live. However, not all companies might opt for this. Please check if the respective company has booked a live stream for its symposium.

Virtual Attendance - questions to be added later

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students

  • Access to all scientific sessions (including Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium (MD), Computational Symposium (CP) and Technician Symposium (TEC)) during live congress hours
  • Access to all scientific sessions on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Additional Symposia (Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium / Computational Symposium / Technician Symposium)

  • Access to all sessions of the respective symposium during live congress hours
  • Access to all symposium-related on demand content (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

You can access the congress portal by clicking on the respective landing page at that will be made available for live congress hours. Please have your login credentials for your congress account (your e-mail address plus individual password) at hand as you will need to login to access specific content.

Live streamed sessions will have a dedicated Q&A tool through which you can send questions to the session chairs. They will select questions and have them displayed for all delegates. You can also use the congress app to send your questions. Please note that Q&A will only be available during live congress hours.

Yes, you can, however, only with the ESP member/non-member rate, as resident status cannot be checked. Please note that only credit card payment will be accepted at that stage.

All uploaded posters will be available during live congress hours as well as on-demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members). (ggf. Link einfügen, sobald online)

All scientific sessions (except for Videomicroscopy) will be recorded and will be available for delayed viewing until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members (registered delegates only). Please note that CME credits will not be awarded for on-demand viewing.