Browse the Preliminary Programme of the 37th ECP now!

Guidelines for Session Chairs

Oral Free Paper Sessions

  • You are kindly requested to respect and keep within the time schedule of your session. Polls with congress attendants have shown that exceeding the time schedules for sessions is particularly judged as negative.
  • You should also take care that each speaker keeps the time for her/his talk as exceeding the time for one talk puts the following speakers at a disadvantage and shortens the time for questions and discussion which usually is an issue that participants do not want to miss.
  • Presenters have been informed about their presentation time (usually 10 min incl. 2-3 min discussion time).
  • Our congress staff allocated to each hall are at your disposal. If you have any questions or requests, please approach the hall manager.

Poster Sessions

  • At 9:30 every poster author of the respective poster session should be ready by her/his poster.
  • Depending on the size of the poster session and the number of poster session chairs, every poster author is given a certain time frame (2-3 minutes) to present her/his poster.
  • They will answer all questions and should clarify features of the study to the chairs and the audience.
  • The chairs should stimulate discussions and make sure that the authors respect the presentation time allocated to them.
  • Poster Session Chairs are not required to make a selection for Best Poster Sessions. The candidates for this session type have already been pre-selected based on abstract scores. 

Best Poster Sessions

  • The best posters have been pre-selected by the Scientific Committee based on abstract scores and quality of abstracts. Authors have been informed via e-mail about the selection and have been invited to be ready at the respective E-Poster Terminal at 16:45 (Sun-Mon) / 13:15 and 16:00 (Wed).
  • Every poster presenter has 3-4 minutes to present her/his poster at the terminal.
  • They should answer all questions and should clarify features of the study to the chairs and the audience.
  • The chairs should stimulate discussions and make sure that the authors respect the presentation time allocated to them.
  • After each Best Poster Session, the respective session chair will announce the best presenter of the session. She/he should be asked to attend the Closing Ceremony on Wednesday, 10 September 2025 to find out whether she/he is among the 3 Best Poster prize presenters (not mandatory).
  • The Best Poster Chair will hand out a certificate for the best presenter within her/his session and should communicate the “session winners'” name and poster number to representatives of the ESP on-site.
  • The prizes consist of a monetary grant of EUR 1,000 for the first, EUR 500 for the second and EUR 250 for the third best poster.

The evaluation of the best poster should be based on the following criteria:

  1. Content: The poster should present the research project and its findings in a comprehensive, clear and cogent manner.
  2. Relevance: Content should be relevant to the theme of the session and represent an original contribution to the current pathological arguments.
  3. Aesthetic form: Outline of text and imagery should be well-structured and visually appealing.
  4. Presentation: Presenters should communicate their research to the audience in an effective way. Enthusiasm towards the study, interest and knowledge in the area of the research will also be assessed.