Browse the Preliminary Programme of the 37th ECP now!

ESP Congress Registration

Register to attend the congress

Login with your membership credentials and complete the registration with discounted fees.

Receive benefits and discounts as an ESP Member

  • Access to the official Journal of the ESP “Virchows Archiv”
  • No membership fee for residents (trainees) until the end of residency and PhD candidates until the completion of their studies*
  • Discount on registration fees for the annual congresses of the ESP as well as for EScoP courses
  • Access to onsite educational events exclusively offered to ESP members
  • Access at no cost to the content of the online ESP Educational portal (webinar recordings, material from past Congresses, ESP Preceptorship programme and others)
  • Access to ESP Fellowships and awards, as well as bursaries for ESP Congresses
  • Professional development and networking opportunities

Alternatively, please click on the below button to register for ECP as a non-member.

FAQs Registration

To log in:

  1. Enter your ESP membership email address and password.
  2. If your password is not recognized, click the “Forgot Password” link and follow the steps to reset it:
    Reset Password Here

If you still cannot log in after resetting your password, it might be because your account has not been activated on our new membership platform, GlueUp.

To activate your account:

  1. Go to GlueUp Login and attempt to log in.
  2. Follow the instructions to activate your account. A pop-up message will appear with further instructions for activation.
  3. You will receive an activation email—make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.

Once activated:

  • Log in to GlueUp and update your membership details to ensure your profile is up to date.
  • After logging in, return to the congress website to log in and register as an ESP member.

If you are not a member, you can still register to attend the ECP as a non-member.

To register as a non-member:

  1. Create a congress account here: Create Congress Account.
  2. After creating your account, you will receive an activation email. Don’t forget to click the verification button in the email to activate your account.
  3. Once your account is verified, log in and proceed with your registration as a non-member.

This likely means that you already have an account with us, perhaps from registering for a previous ESP educational event.

To resolve this:

  1. Log in using your existing congress account details here: Login for Non-Members.
  2. In case you do not remember your password, please reset it by clicking on the “Forgotten Password” link below the login form. 

Once logged in, you can complete your registration for the ECP as a non-member.